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America Speaks Podcast

Dec 9, 2020

Rich Whitley is the writer’s writer –starting from a young boy he fell in love with going to the movies ...and as he grew up and went to film school his appetite for film and tv became voracious. Throughout his youth he became a scholar of all genres of film from every era and his passion for great story telling led...

Dec 7, 2020

Rich Whitley is the writer’s writer –starting from a young boy he fell in love with going to the movies ...and as he grew up and went to film school his appetite for film and tv became voracious. Throughout his youth he became a scholar of all genres of film from every era and his passion for great story telling led...

Nov 19, 2020

It has been said that talent is a rare gift. With an artist /author like Lou Beach HIS talent is a gift to all of us. He is our first author to present original work on our limited edition narrative storytelling series. Lou Beach is a renown illustrator and fine artist and has perfected the craft of telling a...

Nov 5, 2020

I have focused my lens on controversy since 1967. When I see a crowd amassing, placards waving, when I hear the sound of feet pounding the pavement, voices rising over each other, I feel an uncontrollable urge to be among them, to follow the momentum and capture the spirit that compels people to rise up. The...

Jun 13, 2020

This is a powerful discussion reinforcing the importance of The Culture of Peace : what is truly important in life, bringing out the best in human beings and our work as a society and our humanity to come together to face tomorrow’s challenges. But we need to do this together... we hear this over and over again but...